Setup 3proxy Anonymous Proxy on Ubuntu or Debian

The instruction suitable for all Unix distributions, because we are gonna compile it from source code. Compiling from source code is preferred, that way we will get the latest version. In this case I’m using Ubuntu/Debian.

To compile 3proxy from source code you need to install git, make, and gcc. Just type into your terminal:

apt-get install gcc make git -y

Next, browse to home directory

cd ~
git clone

This will download latest version of 3proxy to your machine. Next step to compile and setup:

cd 3proxy
make -f Makefile.Linux

Now we put files into correct path and setup auto start of the service

mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/3proxy/bin
cp src/3proxy /usr/local/etc/3proxy/bin
cp ./scripts/rc.d/ /etc/init.d/3proxy

Before we add 3proxy service to autostart, we need to do some adjustment to the default init script because it’s missing some LSB tags or else you’ll get some insserv warning.

vi /etc/init.d/3proxy

Change all the lines started with “#” with these lines:

# Provides: 3proxy
# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs $local_fs
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Stop/start 3proxy

Make the service auto start on boot

update-rc.d 3proxy defaults

Now let’s create the config file.

vi /usr/local/etc/3proxy/3proxy.cfg

You can RTFM for all the parameters or options, but to make it short, these are my config for anonymous proxy:

nscache 65536
timeouts 1 5 30 60 180 1800 15 60
log /var/log/3proxy.log D
logformat "- +_L%t.%. %N.%p %E %U %C:%c %R:%r %O %I %h %T"
archiver gz /usr/bin/gzip %F
rotate 1
authcache user 60
auth none
deny * *,
allow * * * 1-65535 HTTP
allow * * * 1-65535 HTTPS
proxy -p5555 -n -a
#Enable admin web-ui on specified port
#admin -p6666

As you can see from above example, I’m using as my DNS server, and the proxy service listen on port 5555. Change it to whatever you like, there are a lot of proxy scanner on the internet so be careful.

To start/stop the proxy:

/etc/init.d/3proxy start


/etc/init.d/3proxy stop


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